Give Twin Shadow a listen

Twin Shadow Forget

I was giving Twin Shadow’s “Forget” a listen over the holidays and felt a faint stir of “hmmm, this reminds me of something….” And then it dawned on me, The Aluminum Group. There’s a bit of an influence, or at least it sounds like there should be. If you’re craving some of that obscure lounge-y pop but with a more contemporary electronic sound, Twin Shadow is your guy.

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Even Richard Simmons has letterhead

Richard Simmons Letterhead

Current new favorite site du jour: Letterheady. Muhammad Ali has a few, but I think this one is my favorite of his. Surely there’s a story behind Steve McQueen’s? Paul Rand’s and Saul Bass’ makes sense. Really digging Stephen King’s retro feeling letterhead.

If you’re a fan of typography, design or history, you can spend a long while exploring Letterheady.

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Gerry Rafferty dies at age of 63

I lived a secret life back in my college radio days. Nights were spent listening & playing industrial music very loudly. If it was Skinny Puppy all the better. But the days were reserved for the sappiest ’70s ballads I could get my hands on. Rupert Holmes and his Piña Colada song (actually titled “Escape”) and Gerry Rafferty with his classics “Right Down The Line” and “Baker Street” were some gems. Sad to hear that Rafferty passed away earlier this week. The 70s birthed a special breed of song writer, sad to see them pass.

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The Ham Belt

Country Ham Fantastica: Our Hams’ Place in the World

Do you know about, “The French Culinary Institute’s Tech’N Stuff blog”? Great reading, plus a regular podcast. The above image is from the “Country Ham Fantastica: Our Hams’ Place in the World” article, chock full of info and pics. (Thanks, Chris)

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Chef Jacques Pepin & his New Year Resolutions

Wonderful piece from the WSJ where they ask a bunch of folks for resolutions. Here are a few from Jacque Pepin, one of my favorites.

I really want to finish a stone wall that I have around the boule court [Mr. Pepin is an avid player of petanque, similar to bocce ball]. I have done a lot of stonework around the house, including in the bathrooms.

I have two paintings I want to finish. One is a bunch of flowers, in acrylic. The other is an abstract painting that started as watercolor but I’m doing acrylic on top of it. I’ve been wanting to finish them for months.

And this coming from a great chef and cookbook author. That’s what I call prioritization.

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Bill Bryson At Home

One of the things I really like about Bill Bryson’s writing is his ability to connect you to his theme. Doesn’t matter what it is, he pulls you right in. I’m barely into chapter 1 of his latest, At Home and he’s already dragging in Joseph Paxton, the guy that designed the Crystal Palace, and the Reverend Bayes, the same Bayes who gave us a theorem. Mind you, At Home is about the history of the home. Really looking forward to the rest of it.

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Year-end list of things I forgot

1. The movie Cronos is really creepy. Spoiler–how terrifying is the lips sewn shut scene? I’m not a fan of vampire movies but this one is so good I don’t even think of it as one. This was Guillermo del Toro’s second movie. Crazy considering he’s billed as a producer on the upcoming Kung Fu Panda 2.

2. Television is (or at least, can be) really funny. Maybe the greatest loss in the era of Reality TV is the demise of funny TV writing. Where are those writers now?

So far, Netflix is the enabler and the holiday provides the time. It’s kinda great that Netflix allows that history to live on. But did you know things expire from Netflix? I didn’t. One of the greatest all time classics is expiring today, January 1st. Instantwatcher is a recent find and is a must-have if you’re any sort of Netflix regular. (Yeah, I spent a lot of time exploring Netflix this Christmas.)

3. Collaboration is terrific. It brings life. It amuses me. Music, for instance. Check out Broken Bells and Das Racist. Total surprises, totally satisfying. This is the time of the year for best of lists so plenty more to explore.

4. The “traditional” social network (e.g. family & friends & a big dining table & plenty of wine) won’t ever leak your embarrassing Christmas carol video to millions of people. But depending on wine consumption could still be a little uncomfortable later.

5. The wonderful taste of coffee. I gave up caffeine for 2010 and coffee was the first to go. With all the holiday treats I’ve been eating, I ran back to coffee (decaf this time!) to help with balancing the sweet. So yes, coffee you’re back on the list. Thanks for waiting.

Here’s to remembering more in 2011!

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The Aldi Automat


Aldi Süd, the house brands only, low-cost supermarket chain from Germany, is going to war with the German Bakers’ Confederation over a innocuous brightly colored wall of buttons.

My automat seeking Google alert (I can dream of an automat renaissance) delivered this fascinating WSJ article, “Fresh Test: Grocery Store Automats Get a Rise Out of German Bakers“. The Bakers say the automat represents “deceptive advertising”, while Aldi feels the automats are a “technological innovation in automated baking.”

Thanks to Heinickel GmbH, I believe this video demonstrates the operation of the oven inside Aldi. Like the baker in the article says, looks like a microwave and maybe some convection oven combo.

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Exploring LingPipe with Clojure & Cljr

Clojure’s REPL is already a great start when it comes to exploring new Java packages. In the past I’d throw together a disposable lein project with the unknown code and open a REPL and get exploring. But now I have a new tool in the toolbox that lets me skip this step. Cljr is more focused on the workspace (for lack of a better name) rather than the lein style project. In short, you get both a REPL and swank (emacs’ clojure integration) backed by global package management. Cljr can pull in the random jars you have locally or it can pull them in from Clojars.

I’m still exploring various ideas I have for mining Twitter for artist & band related info. This time I’m looking at using LingPipe to do the heavy lifting. LingPipe is very comprehensive, very deep and comes with a steep learning curve. Where do I begin?

My process for learning a new package of code is to find the tutorial or demos, pick one and immediately start rewriting it. LingPipe has some great documentation with annotated code so the picking was the easy part. Here’s the Interesting Phrases tutorial converted to Clojure and using a sampling of Twitter search results:

(Keep in mind this isn’t truly executable code (mind the laziness.) It’s a dump of my REPL session mostly.)

(import '[com.aliasi.tokenizer IndoEuropeanTokenizerFactory TokenizerFactory]
        '[com.aliasi.lm TokenizedLM]
        '[com.aliasi.util Files ScoredObject AbstractExternalizable])
(import '[ File])
(require '[clojure.contrib.str-utils2 :as s]
         '[ :as ds]
         '[org.danlarkin [json :as json]])
(def n-gram 3)
(def min-count 5)
(def max-ngram-reporting-length 2)
(def ngram-reporting-length 2)
(def max-count 100)
(def tweet-text (ds/read-lines "/tmp/tweets.txt"))
(def tweet-json (map json/decode-from-str tweet-text))
(def tweet-texts (remove empty? (map :text tweet-json)))
(def tokenizer-factory (IndoEuropeanTokenizerFactory/INSTANCE))
(defn build-model
  [tf ngram t]
  (let [m (TokenizedLM. tf ngram)
        tweets t]
    (doseq [text tweets]
      (. m handle text))
    (. (. m sequenceCounter) prune 3)
(defn report-filter
  [score toks]
  (seq [score (s/join " " toks)]))
(defn report
  (map #(report-filter (. % score) (. % getObject)) ngrams))
;; Training background model
(def background-model
     (build-model tokenizer-factory n-gram tweet-texts))
;; Assembling collocations in Training
(def coll
     (. background-model collocationSet ngram-reporting-length min-count max-count))

The LingPipe code had a bunch more Java for displaying the results but since I’m in a REPL I’m ok using Clojure’s built-in pretty print:

((4264.0 "please dear")
 (4264.0 "Broken Social")
 (4092.4745660377357 "Social Scene")
 (4012.2317491968543 "Betty White")
 (3898.3688775373626 "Lupe Fiasco")
 (3788.437748482946 "dear God")
 (3376.0359201766046 "White when")
 (3365.5167372444303 "God let")

Looking at the output, I can tell the Tweets I collected obviously had Broken Social Scene and Lupe Fiasco in the results, both bands, makes sense. But Betty White? There’s no escaping her. But according to LingPipe this is what’s interesting in this mess of tweets.

The experiment was a success! With a minimal time investment and some throwaway code I’ve decided I want to spend some more time with LingPipe and dig deeper. Quick & easy thanks to Cljr.

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Fast Company’s Co.Design winning out of the gate

Half-Life 2 Glitch frame

If you’re not enjoying Fast Company’s Co.Design, why not? It’s’s Big Picture meets the business of design.

Carl Burgess, Director of the Year’s Creepiest, Coolest Music Video. Also from Co.Design. They’re all over the place, eclectic, stylish and always interesting. Put them in your rotation.

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