Category Archives: clojure
Side by side: Python, Common Lisp, Clojure
UPDATE: Find the rest of the code at
My holiday project (of the sort that doesn’t involve cooking at least) is porting the Bayesian spam code from Peter Seibel’s great book “Practical Common Lisp” to Clojure. This will be a big part of the next-gen Big In Twitter that’s slowly coming together. Although I’ve been [...]
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Cascading’s Logparser example in Clojure
I’ve long been interested in working with Cascading but didn’t relish the thought of jumping back into Java. Thankfully with the arrival of Clojure I can now happily play in my less-typing world.
I wanted to get a basic Cascading demo running so I took the Logparser example from the distribution and ported it over to [...]
Another reason I like Clojure
Exploring new packages of code, say the latest jar from Echo Nest, is incredibly easy and just plain fun. For instance:
(import '(com.echonest.api.v3.artist Artist ArtistAPI DocumentList))
(def artist-api (new ArtistAPI "YOUR DEV KEY HERE"))
(def hot-artists (. artist-api getTopHotttArtists 10))
(println (.. (first hot-artists) getItem getName))
Will spit out “Papercuts” (as of the time of this writing), the current #1 [...]
Exploring LingPipe with Clojure & Cljr