Tag Archives: ux

Everyware by Adam Greenfield

Findability.org mentions a new, not-yet-released, book from Adam Greenfield, Everyware. Adam just did a talk at the East Coast IA retreat titled “Everyware: Planning for the user experience in ubiquitous computing” and described it thusly, “Everyday life—the domain of ubiquitous computing—is largely terra incognito for today’s interaction designers and information architectects, with their models based [...]
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Tom Kelley of IDEO interview

As a follow-up to the last entry, here’s a Tom Kelley interview, “A discussion on how to encourage and recognize daily innovation and creativity, assessing what tools, talents, or personas drive innovative projects and ideas.” 45 min Real audio. This is great stuff, and it’s a free 45 min lesson from the general manager of [...]
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The Ten Faces of Innovation

“Are you a Cross-Pollinator? Do you work with a Hurdler? Or a Storyteller? These are just a few of the roles that Tom Kelley, author of the bestselling Art of Innovation, suggests that people can play in an organization to foster innovation and new ideas—and fend off creativity-stifling naysayers. Inspired by the roles that Tom [...]
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Integrating Physical and Digital Interactions for Creative Collaboration

“For the past six years at UC Berkeley and Stanford University, my colleagues and I have conducted research into user interfaces that bind physical and electronic representations of artifacts for integrated interaction: Manipulation in one medium effects a corresponding change in the artifact’s dual medium. Based on fieldwork with designers, office workers, scientists, and engineers, [...]
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Computational Information Design

“The ability to collect, store, and manage data is increasing quickly, but our ability to understand it remains constant. In an attempt to gain better understanding of data, fields such as information visualization, data mining and graphic design are employed, each solving an isolated part of the specific problem, but failing in a broader sense: [...]
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Designing for the User Experience

“Then it went into a great case study about redesigning a library system. It was one of those ones where you sit and think “I want that job…”. The slides from this are going to be available at www.marcrettig.com/uxweek and when they’re up there later today I storngly recommend you go and have a look [...]
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Ambidextrous Magazine

“Ambidextrous Magazine is the design journal of the nascent Stanford d.school. It is a magazine for the wider design community, which includes engineers and ethnographers, psychologists and philosophers. Rather than focusing on promoting product, Ambidextrous exposes the people and processes involved in design. “Ambidextrous is a forum for the cross-disciplinary, cross-market community of people with an [...]
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“Boodler is a tool for creating soundscapes — continuous, infinitely varying streams of sound. Boodler is designed to run in the background on a computer, maintaining whatever sound environment you desire.” Boodler can listen to a network socket for messages and alter the soundscape accordingly.
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Peep: The Network Auralizer

Peep: The Network Auralizer — Straight from sweetcode, this is a wonderful app! “Peep is a network monitoring tool that represents network information via audio output. Network diagnosis with Peep is made not only based on singular network events, but on whether the network as a whole “sounds normal”. ” Go listen to the samples.
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